Terms of Use References hereinafter to "the
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Trademarks, Service Marks, and Copyrights Anthonys Home Page,
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DisclosureThe webmaster has no financial interest in any of the companies mentioned on this web site. Nothing on this site is intended as investment or other financial advice or counseling. Forward-looking statements and speculations that may be found on this site (excluding entries in the Guest Book, for which the webmaster declines all responsibility—see General Disclaimers, below) are opinions of the webmaster and are based exclusively on information publicly available at the time of their publication. This site is maintained at the sole expense of the webmaster and receives no funding, endorsement, or other support from any other organization or person. No payment is required of or solicited from visitors to the site, and this site contains no advertising. Restrictions Reproduction, storage or retrieval on a
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AcknowledgementsI’d like to acknowledge (but not thank) the American legal profession, without which these seventeen pages of legal caveats, disclaimers, warnings, acknowledgements, disclosures, waivers, copyright notices, citations, and credits would scarcely be necessary. General Disclaimers All opinions expressed on this
site are those of the webmaster alone, and do
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Content DisclaimerContent on this site, including but not limited to computer software, is provided “as-is” and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The webmaster does not warrant that the content will function as documented or be free of errors, does not provide any technical support for the software or correction of errors or defects therein, and does not warrant that the content or this site or server upon which it is hosted will be free of viruses or other potentially harmful software entities. The webmaster additionally does not warrant or make specific representations concerning the use of software contained on this site or the results that may be obtained therefrom, with respect to correctness, reliability, precision and accuracy, or anything else. By downloading and using the software contained on this site, you assume full responsibility for any maintenance, reconfiguration, or corrections made necessary thereby. Additionally, if you download images from this site for your own use with the implicit or explicit permission of the webmaster, you agree and accept that you assume full responsibility for any property or model releases, licenses, or other authorizations obtainable from third parties that may be necessary for your intended use of the images in your applicable jurisdiction, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the webmaster, his agents, and his assignees against any legal action instituted against you or them by third parties for any infringement or other tort or crime in intellectual property law. E-Mail DisclaimerWhen conducting business with us based on any contact originally established through this site (such as an e-mail address or form obtained from or used on this site), you accept and agree that e-mail sent to you by us is deemed sent for legal purposes at the time the last e-mail server under our direct control transmits or attempts to transmit the e-mail to any other server en route to you. You assume responsibility for any loss of e-mail due to any spamming or other filtering policy that your ISP or any system under your control or operating in such capacity at your request or on your behalf may enforce. You additionally agree that any obligation to us of which we notify you by e- mail is not eliminated by your failure to receive the e-mail because of said filtering or spamming policies. Finally, this disclaimer remains in effect irrespective of any bounce messages send by the aforementioned systems under your control or direction. Privacy PolicyThis site may collect information concerning
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Grant of LicenseBy using this site and in consideration thereof, you agree to grant to the webmaster and his agents, representatives, and heirs a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non- exclusive, transferable, and fully-paid license for the contents of any e-mail you send to the webmaster using any address mentioned on this site, as well as for any content you submit voluntrily to the site. You accept that this grant remains in force no matter what text to the contrary you may include in the content. You additionally agree that this grant shall be and remain binding upon your agents, descendants, and heirs. You represent and warrant that you hold or are entitled to dispose of all rights in any of the content you send, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the webmaster from any action taken against him by anyone as a consequence of any failure on your part to secure unencumbered title or disposal authority over all rights inherent in the content you send. Limitation of Liability The webmaster shall not be liable for any
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